I did my PhD in University College London in 1999 under the direction of David Preiss on Rectifiability and Density Theorems in Geometric Measure Theory.
Since then I held PostDoc positions in the University of Jyvaskyla, the Max Plank Institute in Leipzig, the Scoula Normale in Pisa, the Mathematical Institute in Oxford and the Centro DeGiorgi in Pisa. I started in the Unversity of Cincinnati in 2008.

Geometric Measure Theory.
Rectifiability; specifically, problems in Rectifiability and Densities and related areas. Marstrand theorems for convex densities.
Bsc Mathematics, Kings College London 1992-1995:
2nd year; John Tyrrel Prize for Pure Maths. 3rd year; 2nd Drew Prize, IMA Prize.
Calulus of Variations.
Problems related to minimisation of vector valued
functions that arise in continuum mechanics. The Aviles Giga functional. Differential inclusions. Compensated compactness.
Quasiconformal analysis
Liouville theorems, rigidity of functions whose
gradient lies close to sets with rotational invariance. Stoilow decompositions. The Beltrami Equation.
PhD Geometric Measure Theory, University College London 1995-1999:
Adviser, David Preiss. Thesis, `Rectifiability Results in l^{3}_{\infty}'.
April 1999 - September 1999.
Researcher, Maths Department. University of Jyvaskyla.
Funded by Academy of Finland grant held by Professor Pertti Mattila.
September 1999 - October 2001.
PostDoc in Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Leipzig.
Funded by EPDI, the Royal Society and the MPI
April 1999 - September 1999.
Researcher, Maths Department. University of Jyvaskyla.
Funded by Academy of Finland grant held by Professor Pertti Mattila.
October 2001 - June 2002.
Postdoc, Maths Department. University of Jyvaskyla
.Funded by EPDI grant
April 2003 - April 2005.
EPSRC Postdoctoral fellow.
"Scaling of the Two Well Problem with Surface Energy and Traces of Rank-1 and Quasiconvex functions''". Hosted at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
June 2002 - April 2003.
PostDoc at the Scoula Normale Superiore, Pisa.
April 2005 - September 2007.
PostDoc at the MPI Leipzig.
September 2007 - August 2008.
Emma e Giovannie Sansone Junior Visiting Position. Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi. Pisa
Institute Fourier. "Geometric Measure Theorey and Calculus of Varaitions" conference, July 2015.
The Aviles Giga functional past and present. +slides.
Purdue Math Department. PDE seminar, April 2015.
Rigidity of pairs of quasiregular mappings whose symmetric part of gradient are close. +slides.

Washington University Math Department Rainwater seminar. October 2015.
Marstard's Theorem and other rectifiablity and density results in non Euclidean spaces +slides.
2021 Virtual Fall Western Sectional meeting. "Special session of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations on Topics arising from Models in Material Science".
Rigidity of a non-elliptic differential inclusion and the Aviles Giga functional.
2022 Workshop in Calculus of Variations. Oberwolfach,
Differential inclusions and the Aviles Giga functional.